Operations Management in the Supply Chain- Decisions and Cases(7版)博客來好書限時特賣
推薦Operations Management in the Supply Chain- Decisions and Cases(7版)博客來好書限時特賣似乎也不難理解!
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Operations Management in the Supply Chain- Decisions and Cases(7版)博客來好書限時特賣誠意推薦給大家看喔!
內容簡介: 博客來信貸 Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective that emphasizes strategy and critical thinking, appealing to non-majors and practical for use in an MBA level or undergraduate course in operations management. The size and focus of the book also make the text attractive for the cross-functional curriculum where students are required to purchase more than one text. The eighteen cases offer variety in length and rigor; and several are from Ivey, Stanford, and Darden. This mix makes the book appropriate for both undergraduates and MBA students.
童年.記憶.想像:在生命無限綿延之間 | 論駱以軍《西夏旅館》-紅樓夢獎2010得獎作品專輯 | ||
足音集:文學記憶.紀行.電影 | 低眉集:臺灣文學∕翻譯、遊記與書評 | ||
王維接受史:以唐宋為主 | 移情、借景與越位:當代作家作品論集 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Roger G. Schroeder, Susan Meyer Goldstein
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2017/06/09
- 語言:英文
Operations Management in the Supply Chain- Decisions and Cases(7版)博客來好書限時特賣
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Operations Management in the Supply Chain- Decisions and Cases(7版)博客來好書限時特賣